The Price Is Right Wiki

Le Juste Prix ("The Right Price") is a French adaptation of the American game show The Price is Right that aired on TF1. It first premiered on December 13, 1987 and ran until the original version was canceled on August 31, 2001 for 14 saisons ("seasons"). The show was hosted by Max Meynier (1987-1988), Eric Galliano (1988), Patrick Roy (1988-1992) and finally Philippe Risoli (1992-2001). After being off the air for 8 years, on July 27, 2009 a new version of Le Juste Prix premiered on the same network. This version was hosted by Vincent Lagaf' (Known for hosting the French version of Let's Make a Deal as Le BigDil or The Bigdil also airing on TF1) with Gerard Vivès as announcer from 2009 until 2011 followed by Jean-Marc Lancelot (most commonly nicknamed as Le Baron) from 2012 until 2014 then Philippe Rambaud in 2015. It ended its broadcast on April 10, 2015 after six saisons ("seasons"). After being off the air again for 9 years, the show returns under the new channel M6. hosted by Eric Antoine, it premiered on March 11, 2024.


Le Juste Prix 1987


Le Juste Prix 1993


Le Juste Prix 1997




While all price elements were intact, the series utilized format changes that were exclusive and unique to this version. Here is a list of the format changes:

  • 1987-1988: Airing only on Sunday, this format featured three pricing games, and used the Big Wheel (La Roue) to determine the two Showcase (La Vitrine/"The Showcase") players, with players spinning 100 in only one spin winning a bonus prize. A variation of this format would be used on the German version of TPiR called Der Preis ist heiß (The Price is Hot), when it premiered in 1989.
  • 1988-2000: The format most fans are familiar with, the show expanded to seven days a week. On the Monday-Saturday shows, the show used the 1987 format, but there was only one La Roue ("The Wheel") winner; that person moved on to the Sunday finals; that used the traditional hour-long format, with the two La Roue winners advancing to La Vitrine ("The Showcase").
  • 1998-2000: Starting in 1998, the daily winners got a chance to win a trip, by playing a version of Clock Game called "Le Grand Voyage" ("The Grand Voyage"), in which the player has 20 seconds to guess the price of the trip. This game moved to the regular lineup in 2000.
  • 2000-2001: Losing the weekend airings, the new Monday-Friday shows kept the hour format, but the two La Roue ("The Wheel") winners faced off in a new La Vitrine ("The Showcase"), a hybrid of the U.S. & European Showcase formats. The top winner stopped a range finder with values ranging from 5,000₣ (€762.25) to 30,000₣ (€4,573.47). A single Vitrine ("Showcase") (usually over 100,000₣ [€15,244.90]) was presented; both players bid on it, and the one closest to the ARP AND within range won.

In the final season, when the Euro was coming into effect, all games gave their prizes and prices in both Francs & Euros.

Pricing Games[]

The name of the original pricing game in the US version is given in parentheses. Many of these follow the same rules and gameplay as the US version.

Original Pricing Games[]

  • La tirelire [The Piggy Bank] (Any Number; last number in the car's price is given for free)
  • Le jeu de cartes [The Card Game] (Card Game)
  • Le tyrolien [The Zipline] (Cliff Hangers; mountain steps are 0F-250₣ [€38.11])
  • Les 30 secondes [30 Seconds] (Clock Game)
  • Le prix interdit [The Prohibited Price] (Danger Price)
  • Le jeu de dés [The Dice Game] (Dice Game)
  • Le vrai ou faux [The True or False] (Five Price Tags)
  • La caisse enregistreuse [Cash Register] (Grocery Game; range to win is 95-99₣ [€14.48-€15.09])
  • Un zéro de plus [One More Zero] (Grand Game)
  • Le dessus-dessous [Top-Bottom] (Hi Lo)
  • Le mini-golf [Mini-Golf] (Hole in One)
  • Les 10 billets [All 10 Tickets] (Lucky Seven; played with 10 tickets instead of 7F)
  • Les Clés de la Fortune [The Keys of Fortune] (Master Key)
  • Les 3 tiers [The 3 Thirds] (Money Game; played for a six-digit prize; players must the three pairs of numbers that make up the price)
  • Le coup double [The Double Blow] (One Right Price)
  • Le téléphone en or [The Golden Telephone] (Phone Home Game; top prize of 50,000₣ [€7,622.45])
  • Le fakir [Fakir] (Plinko; top prize of 100,000F, board is 500₣-1,000₣-2,000₣-0₣-20,000₣-0₣-2,000₣-1,000₣-500₣ [€76.22-€152.45-€304.90-€0-€3,048.98-€0-€304.90-€152.45-€76.22])
  • Le coup de poing [The Punch] (Punch-A-Bunch; top prize of 50,000₣)
  • Le grand prix [The Grand Prize] (Race Game)
  • Le fric-frac [the Fric-Frac] (Safe Crackers)
  • Les 3 croix [The Three Crosses] (Secret 'X')
  • La balle perdue [The Lost Ball] (Shell Game)
  • Le bouche-trou [The Plug-Hole] (Switcheroo; :10 time limit)
  • Le couplé [The Couple](Take Two; same rules, but with a slot machine motif)
  • La main dans le sac [Red-Handed] (3 Strikes; played for a car and an extra prize -- the extra prize's price is what the player must fill in)

Later Pricing Games[]

  • La ligne de crédit [Credit Linen] (Credit Card)
  • La pochette surprise [The Surprise Cover] (Fortune Hunter; played for 10,000₣ [€1,524.49])
  • Le quitte ou double [Leaves or Doubles It] (It's in the Bag; top prize of 32,000₣ [€4,878.37])
  • Le Joker [The Joker] (Joker)
  • Le roulé-boulé [The Ball Roller] (Let 'Em Roll)
  • Le va et vient [The Comings and Goings] (Make Your Move; played for a two, three, and five-digit prize)
  • Un de plus, un de moins [One More, One Less] (One Away)
  • La balle au centre/Le lancer franc/Les tirs au but [The Ball in the Center/Free Throw/Penalty Shootouts] (On the Nose; exact guess on the prize's price wins 5,000₣)
  • Le grand damier [The Big Checkerboard] (Pathfinder)
  • Le doublé gagnant [The Double Winner] (Pick-A-Pair)
  • Le baromètre [The Barometer] (Range Game)
  • La douche écossaise [The Scottish Shower] (Shower Game)
  • La superballe [The Superball] (Super Ball!!)
  • La tentation [Temptation] (Temptation)
  • Le méli-mélo [The Hodgepodge] (Ten Chances)

Pricing games exclusive to Le Juste Prix (1998-2001)[]

  • Le code barre ("The Barcode")
  • Les fléchettes ("Dart")
  • Le oui ou non ("The Yes or No")
  • Le distributeur ("Distributor")
  • Les cerceaux ("Hoop")
  • Le ciné-quiz ("The Cine-Quiz")
  • Le 50-50 ("The 50-50")
  • Le TV quiz ("The TV Quiz")
  • Le Bowling ("Bowling")
  • L'alarme fatale ("The Fatal Alarm")
  • Le Jukebox ("The Jukebox")
  • Le Grand Voyage ("The Great Voyage")

In addition to the above pricing games, there was also a game combining Take Two with Swap Meet.


Le Juste Prix 2009


Le Juste Prix 2015


When the series returned, it utilizes one of the largest Price sets in the world, a two-story structure so big (as are some props), certain games require players to head to the second level. They also head from the second level when it's time for La Roue ("Wheel").

In most episodes, contestants who made an exact bid in Contestant's Row received a trophy branded with the shows logo, and in later episodes also received a check for €100.

The winner of La Roue ("Wheel") plays a revamped La Vitrine ("Showcase"), an exact carbon copy of Le Grand Voyage ("The Big Trip"), except the player has 30 seconds (and a given range) to guess the price of the Showcase, which ranges from €10,000-€100,000. One Bid items also vary, ranging from at least €20 to €1,000.

In addition, the theme song is a "whistled" remix of the theme previously used in 2001.

Pricing Games[]

  • Le fakir [Fakir] (Plinko; same board as the U.S. version, but the highest value is €2,000 for a top prize of €10,000)
  • Le mini-golf [The mini-golf] (Hole in One)
  • Le Tyrolien [The Zipline] (Cliff Hangers)
  • Les 3 Tiers [The 3 Thirds] (Money Game with a maximum of two mistakes instead of three to be made to win, and cash cannot be won under any circumstance)
  • Le doublé gagnant [The Double Winner] (Pick A Pair)
  • La balle perdue [The Lost Ball] (Shell Game)
  • Le grand prix [The Grand Prize] (Race Game)
  • Le zéro de plus [The Zero Plus] (Grand Game)
  • La Tirelire [Piggy] (Any Number; U.S. rules)
  • Le roulé-boulé [The Roller-Ball] (Let 'Em Roll; amounts of €100, €200, and €500)
  • Le Joker [The Joker] (Joker)
  • Les 7 billets [The 7 Tickets] (Lucky Seven)
  • Les 10 chances [The 10 Chances] (Ten Chances)
  • La caisse enregistreuse [The Cash Register] (Grocery Game; range to win is €10-€11)
  • Le temps c'est de l'argent [Time is Money] (Time is Money with a top prize of €4,000)
  • Pousse des dés [Grows Of] (Push Over, played for 3 prizes)
  • C'est trop ! Stop [It's Too Much! Stop] (That's Too Much!)
  • Le quitte ou double [Leave It or Double It] (It's in the Bag; top prize of €4,000)
  • Les tirs au but/Le lancer franc [The Penalty Shootout/The Free Throw] (On the Nose)
  • Le bouche-trou [The Mouth-Hole] (Switcheroo; :30 time limit)
  • Le coup de poing [The Punch] (Punch-A-Bunch; top prize of €10,000)
  • Les 3 croix [The 3 Crosses] (Secret "X"; in this version, actual people represent the "X's" & "O's")
  • Le Jukebox [Jukebox]
  • Le Dessus-Dessous [The Top-Bottom] (Hi-Lo)
  • Le Gratte-Gratte [The Skyscraper]
  • Le Pochette Surprise [The Surprise Pouch] (Fortune Hunter)
  • Le Fric-Frác [The Money Frac] (Safe Crackers)
  • La Main dans le Sac [The Hand in the Bag] (3 Strikes, played with slightly different rules)
  • La Douche Écossaise [The Scottish Shower] (Shower Game)
  • Las Clés de la Fortune [The Keys of Fortune] (Master Key)
  • Le Baromètre [Barometer] (Range Game, except that the selected range can go down)
  • L' Alarme Fatale [The Fatal Alarm]
  • Le Vrai ou Faux [ The True or False]
  • Le Mini-Bar [The Mini-Bar] (Exclusive to this version, it plays much like Hole In One)
  • Le TV quiz [The TV Quiz]
  • Les Citations [Quote]
  • Le Flipper [Flipper] (Exclusive to this version, it plays much like Plinko, but with a top prize of €25,000)
  • Le Prix en Boite [The Price in the Box]
  • Quel Chantier ! [What a Construction Site!]
  • Le Brique Au Prix [The Brick at the Price]
  • Le Bowling [Bowling]
  • Le Prix de la Vérité [The Price of Truth] (Five Price Tags; played with 4 tags)
  • La Pluie de Ballons [The Rain of Balloons]
  • Le Prix Suspendu [The Suspended Price]
  • Le Mur de Ballons [The Wall of Balloons]
  • Boum! [Boom!]
  • Les Pas du Gain [The Steps of Gain] (Pathfinder)
  • Le Couloir Laser [The Laser Corridor]
  • Les Echelles [Scale]
  • La Pétanque [The Petanque]
  • Le Prix Sélectif [The Selective Price]
  • L'Envol des Prix [The Flight of Prices]
  • Les Fromages [Cheeses]
  • Le Prix qui Pète [The Skyrocketing Price]
  • Quelles Couleurs ? [What Colors?]
  • Le Photomaton [The Photo Booth]
  • A 1 Dent Près [To the Nearest 1 Tooth]
  • Le Monde à l'Envers [The World is Upside Down]
  • Le Skate Park [The Skate Park]
  • Qui s'y Frotte s'y Pique ! [Who Rubs in it, Bites it in!]
  • Le Prix au Kilo [The Price per Kilo]
  • Le Ping Pong [The Ping Pong]
  • Le Goling [The Goling]
  • Le Labyrinthe Electrique [The Electric Labyrinth]
  • Des Etages et des Prix [Floors and Prices] (Pay the Rent, top prize of €5,000)
  • Des Chiffres et des Prix [Figures and Prices] (Cover Up, played on a digital screen with same rules)
  • La Tournée du Patron [The Boss's Turn] (Triple Play)
  • La Danse Synchro [The Synchro Dance]
  • Le Ball-in [The Ball-in]
  • Le Super Bonus [The Super Bonus]
  • Boule qui Roule [Rolling Ball]

Other International versions[]

Most international versions of its set and logo were inspired by the 2009 French version like Australia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Lebanon, Netherlands and Romania for example.


Le Juste Prix 2024


After a 9 year hiatus, on February 20, 2024, it was announced that the show will be rebooted under new channel M6[1]instead of TF1. Hosted by Eric Antoine and announced by Vincent Piguet, it premiered on March 11, 2024.

See Also[]

Le Juste Euro
Le Marathon des Jeux TV

External links[]
